Friday, July 13, 2012

Are we awake and if not when are we gonne wake up

I lived a couple of years in Russia back in the late 90's and when I finished my studies there and was heading back home I decided to go and say goodbye to my teacher an old lady that I have great respect for Nina nikalayevna her name was, a very well loved and respected Russian language teacher.
I was surprised when she gave me a book to read on my long flight to casablanca knowing that I had a 9 hour lay over in amsterdam she said this small book will keep you company when you are bored and tired and might even give you more energy.
I thought it was a magic book and then all litterature teachers will try to talk about books as if they have magical powers.
I think I read a couple of pages before I engaged in a conversation with the person next to me and forgot completly about the book which I left behind me in the plane.
10 years later while having a discussion with a friend of mine about meditation and some techniques and trainings and so on he started talking about fake schools so I felt I had to ask what he meant by a fake schools and if he knows what's fake that should means he certainly knows the real school. A week past and we met again but this time he brought me a gift an old book and I looked at the cover to my surprise it was maybe the same book my Russian teacher has given me almost 10 years ago and my memory went back to the old days and how bad I felt about leaving it behind on the plane.
I told my friend the story and he said that even if I leave the book the book will follow me and find me... weird.
The book was called the psychology of man's possible evolution by ouspensky. I was very excited and decided to read it this time. My entire life has changed since that day and I made it my goal to find a school but also decided from now on I will live in the now at least until I find a guide who will show me how to be awaken.
The conclusion of the book to my understanding is: we are asleep we live in imagination fear of the past worry about the future, or sweet memories of the past and hope and day dreaming about the future but we forget to live in the only time that truly exists the NOW. You see Now is a fraction of a second yet now is the only time that truly exists.
I havent found a school yet or at least havent found one that is nearby but I have gained a lot just by watching myself and deciding to enjoy the now.